Stopping Pigeons, Sparrows or Starlings Accessing Flat Roof With Specialist Bird Netting Fixed Over Typical Cyprus Roof Hot Water Tank with One Or Two Solar Panels
Stopping Pigeons, Sparrows or Starlings Accessing Flat Roof With Specialist Bird Netting Fixed Over Typical Cyprus Roof Hot Water Tank with One Or Two Solar Panels
Stopping Pigeons, Sparrows or Starlings Accessing Flat Roof With Specialist Bird Netting Fixed Over Typical Cyprus Roof Hot Water Tank with One Or Two Solar Panels

Stopping Pigeons, Sparrows or Starlings Accessing Flat Roof With Specialist Bird Netting Fixed Over Typical Cyprus Roof Hot Water Tank with One Or Two Solar Panels

Regular price €545.00 Sale

Flat Roof Complete Pigeon, Sparrow or Starling Bird Netting Solution Fixed Over Typical Cyprus Roof Hot Water Tank with One Or Two Solar Panels

Call us for a free quotation or email us on with as many pictures as possible so we can give you an estimate. Also call on WhatsApp or Viber and send photos to +357 99117120

Prices vary depending on arrangement of tanks, panels,having to work around Satellite dishes/TV aerials.Notice on the picture we always leave an access panel (see red/white clips) for quick access in case any future work is needed on your hot water system.

We also clip in at least one other entire netting panel for bigger access so that it can easily be removed by tradesmen if you had to replace your tank or panels. They can then re-clip the panel back in place.

Please note that we only work to industry standards using UV stabilised specialist netting imported from the UK, fit for purpose plastic coated wires, galvanised or stainless-steel fixings and clips etc. designed to withstand the harsh climate, wind and temperatures in Cyprus.

Our installations are built to last and have been tried and tested over the last 8 years with 100's of satisfied customers enjoying continued problem free bird protection since 2012.

It is impossible to compare our proven high quality, professional installations to the many 'odd-job and handy-man' efforts we see across the island.

Ripping out these failed attempts (frequently within 12 to 18 months of the owner paying out for a sub-standard job) and starting again with our proven method makes up a significant proportion of our business.

We see everything from fishing netting to chicken wire!

Call us on +357 7000 1202 or WhatsApp or Viber +357 99117120 for a proper job